industrials & financial partners

Market opportunity

From faith-based investment to targeted opportunity. From venture funds to unicorn factory.

Investing without knowledge and direction is comparable with buying a lottery ticket. Venture funds realise this, and mitigate their risk by investing in a diverse portfolio of companies, accepting the conventional wisdom that perhaps only 1 in 10 such companies succeed. Such strategy requires handling hundreds of investments, for them to have marginal (ROI) due to the accumulated losses on 9 out of 10 company investments. One unicorn company needs to compensate for 9 or more failures.
IPRA, as unicorn factory, has invested, made and took a mammoth R&D risk over years, which fostered several ready unicorns under the same umbrella. Unique, patented and ready products for the global market. One investment - multiple opportunities – multiple returns.    

IPRA business model is to form a series of independent dedicated Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) each holding its own intellectual property and dedicated patents for the product in each SPV. Each SPV has its own CEO, marketing and sales force and board of directors

One investment = many winning tickets